I apologize for the low quality of the next post, however the lunacy of what I have been reading about really is not easy to put across, so please stay with me and normal slightly better service will resume shortly :-)
One of the great things about a Court of Law is it puts everything, no matter how small, in plain view for all to see. When something goes to court then all that matters is the facts. Out of court you can say pretty much what you like on the flimsiest of evidence but when you try and to make a lawsuit out of that then prepare to fail. This is very apparent in the current loony 'Murfreesboro mosque trial' which has been bubbling away in recent months to my great amusement. I've included a couple of articles from the local paper, I'm sorry for the length but please read and see the benefits of the Justice System for yourself:
Witnesses fund lawsuit against local mosque |
Posted: Thursday, October 21, 2010 8:03 pm |
A witness in the Murfreesboro mosque trial said she believed America would be better off without Muslims and pledged support to fight a proposed mosque in her community. Murfreesboro resident Jeanetta Alford was called to the stand Thursday in an effort by plaintiffs to stop the construction of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro in Rutherford County. "If anyone is teaching out of the Qur'an, then yes, you are breaking the law," Alford told the court. "I believe we have to follow the Bible and respect our government." Alford went on to describe the dangers of Sharia law and her new found fear of Islam after studying publications and hearing from local mosque opponents. "If the religion of Islam allows men to beat their wives and have sex with children, then it's against our law," Alford said. "If any so-called religion violates our United States Constitution then it should not stand. People should stand up against that." Alford admitted in cross examination that she has given money to a group she believes educates the community about the dangers of Islam. "I've not given much because my husband lost his job," Alford told the court. "But we did give $100 to an education group, and I bought a DVD called 'Lest We Forget.'" The admission comes a day after another plaintiff witness, Millie Evans, admitted giving $600 to the same group, denying any knowledge her money was funding the lawsuit. "I felt like what they told me it was for was to educate the community on what Islam is about," Evans told the court yesterday. The group Alford and other plaintiff's witnesses fund is called Proclaiming Justice To The Nations (PJTN). The group, described to the Post by President Laurie Cardoza-Moore as a "community activist group," funds the lawsuit against the county's May 24 site plan approval for a proposed Islamic community center on Veals Road. Plaintiff Attorney J. Thomas Smith of Franklin told the Post today he was retained by PJTN and works with the group's president and plaintiff attorney Joe Brandon Jr. The group has also used contributions from local residents to pay witnesses who appeared on the stand Thursday. Timothy Jones Cummings Sr. is one witness who admitted being paid thousands of dollars by plaintiff attorneys to read to the court from anti-Muslim websites he found. "I'm not clear on the purpose of his testimony here," Chancellor Robert E. Corlew III told plaintiff's attorneys before allowing the testimony. Corlew noted a defense objection and warned admission was contingent on plaintiffs showing relevance at a later date. Under tough cross examination, County Attorney Josh McCreary highlighted the problem with allowing what defense called blatant hearsay. "They paid you $3,000 to print stuff off the internet and present it on the screen here," McCreary asked the witness. "You read pages and pages of this stuff and don't know the truthfulness of any of this, correct?" Cummings showed anti-American cartoons and other web postings he says shows the nefarious nature of local Muslims plaintiffs claim are behind the proposed mosque. "I cannot testify to the veracity of any content I've presented or what's presented on anyone's web page," Cummings admitted to the court. Cummings went on to say he was asked as a computer expert to find content online for the plaintiffs about the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro. What he presented were web postings by noted anti-Muslim websites (Iconoclast and New English Review) and videos of people he could not identify talking about what they saw on other websites. "At this point he's dependent on the veracity of some third party," Chancellor Corlew said. "Mr. Cummings has no way he can independently verify this content existed." The court also watched the May 24 County Commission meeting in which the site plan for the proposed mosque was approved under religious 'use of right' land ordinances. Plaintiffs contend Islam is not a religion and local Muslims should not have been granted such consideration for approval of their mosque's site plan. Plaintiffs have yet another full day before the court starting tomorrow morning at 8:30. |
I was not quite sure how to take this at first... clearly these people are off their heads with hate, bigotry and desperately need someone to hate. Their knowledge of the American Constitution is also severely lacking... these from people who no doubt believe themselves to be 'defenders of the Constitution'. Words fail me, but I'll let you make your mind up, again the great thing about a Court of Law is you get it all clear cut. But there is more:
Plaintiffs ask if Islam is a religion in mosque trial |
Posted: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 8:57 pm |
Plaintiffs in a case to stop the construction of a mosque in Murfreesboro spent most of Wednesday questioning whether Islam is a religion. The case resumed two days after the federal government filed a motion in the case. Attorney Joe Brandon Jr. fought through more than 20 sustained defense objections including badgering the witness, being argumentative and asking irrelevant questions. "Isn't it true that in the Qur'an Mohammad had a six-year-old wife that he had sex with," Brandon asked a county commissioner on the stand. "Is that your idea of what a religion is?" The U.S. Department of Justice filed an amicus curiae with the court Monday stating unequivocally that Islam is a religion and defended the Constitutional right of Americans to freely worship. "Presidents as far back as Lincoln and Jefferson, and as recent as President George W. Bush, have publicly recognized Islam as one of the world's largest religions," U.S. Attorney Jerry Martin stated in a press conference on Monday. Brandon took issue with the federal government's position in his questioning of county commissioners he called as witnesses. "The federal government cited Thomas Jefferson in their press conference, and he owned slaves," Brandon asserted to Commissioner Gary Farley. "Is that who they want to cite as an authority?" Both County Mayor Ernest Burgess and Commissioner Will Jordan cited the federal government as one source of many claiming Islam is a religion. "Did you say that you want the federal government that supported slavery to tell this court that Islam is a religion," Brandon asked Jordan. Plaintiffs sought with each witness to challenge the county's May 24 approval of a site plan for the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro (ICM) under religious use of right zoning ordinances on the grounds that Islam is not a religion. "Sharia law includes instruction on how to beat your wife," Brandon told Burgess on the witness stand. "How is Sharia law going to affect our society, our jobs and our freedoms?" Brandon asked each commissioner called as a witness if they believed cults led by David Koresh and Jim Jones qualified as religions. "Do you remember Jim Jones who killed all those people who drank the Kool-Aid," Brandon asked Burgess. "Is that what's going on with the ICM?" Brandon also asked each commissioner if they believed in tenets of Sharia law that plaintiffs claim ICM members will institute in Murfreesboro. "Do you believe in having sex with children," Brandon asked Farley to the gasps of the audience and a quickly sustained objection that the court was degrading into a circus. Millie Evans, a 45-year resident of Rutherford County, revealed under cross examination the name of a group aiding plaintiffs in this case. Evans was asked how she got in touch with the plaintiffs pointing to a nonprofit helping Brandon. "We've been in touch for weeks and weeks on this," Evan told the court. "I donated myself. I don't know where the money went to. P.T. something." Evans told the court she wrote a $500 check and gave $100 in cash to a nonprofit she says told her it is here to educate the community on the dangers of Islam. The group is called "Proclaiming Justice To The Nations." The group's president, Laurie Cardoza-Moore, has been an outspoken critic of the proposed mosque at prior public meetings of the Rutherford County Commission. "We work with the attorneys in this case," Cardoza-Moore told the Post. "We're like a community activist group." Before recessing for the day, Chancellor Robert E. Corlew, III made the court aware of an early morning motion filing an amicus curiae on behalf of Louis E. Johnston Jr. along with a copy of his book on Sharia law. The case resumes Thursday morning at 8:30. |